Support Asia Vision Network Partners!
As you have looked through this website, you have had the opportunity to read about some of the partners we support in various Asian Countries. 60% of Asia is unreached with the Kingdom message. Our Network partners work very hard to reach the unreached and their communities. Consider making a monthly contribution of as little as R100 per month. Each contribution helps our partners who often work with little financial support in very poor communities!
Standard Bank
Account no: 020175876
Bank code: 051001
Current Account
Please email your deposit slip / or internet banking proof to EMAIL
Account no: 9064970731
Bank code: 632005
Current Account
Please email your deposit slip / or internet banking proof to EMAIL
Contributions are given to ASIA VISION – with the understanding that THEY have complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds. We feel finances should be properly channelled to meet the needs of the Kingdom.
ASIA VISION is registered under Mission: Asia 2000 Trust with department of social development – registration NPO 153-872 / PBO 930 052 139
Giving is about making a difference! Give of your time; give of your prayers; tell others about ASIA VISION; give of your resources or – if you are really in a pinch with time, or share funds to transform lives.